established 1996

Last Updated: 06/16/2017

Click on any picture in these journals to view the full-sized image.  All images © 2016 Mike Pingleton unless otherwise noted.  Permission for use must be obtained.

Whys & Wherefores

Mike's Home Page
Other People's Journals

Older Journal Entries

Return to the Trans Pecos
South Carolina Highlights
The Why of a Brown Chin
A Quick Trip to the Desert
Return to Okefenokee
Blue Serpents of the Palm Forest
Mama Gator  the Unfortunate Duck
Rattler on the Road!
Palm Forest 2003
San Diego Co.
Under Blue Mountain
Mad Dash to Mingo
Snake Road, Fall 2003
Herping the Tracks
Land Between the Rivers
The Ridgenose by Ear
Night of the Baby Mojaves
Looking for Okeetee
In Search of the Queen
Earth Day 2002
Portland Arch
Canoeing the Scatters
In Search of Massasaugas
Cricket Frog Variations
Winter Salamandering
Bullsnake in a Bottle
Shawnee Moccasins


Notes From The Field:
A Journal of Amphibians and Reptiles

- Mike Pingleton - 

Blood, Corn, and Rattlesnakes
Road-Cruising in Amazonia
Nostalgia for a Sunny Afternoon
Getting Around to the 'Glades
Night of the Black Caiman
Joining the Cobra Club
Badlands, Bison, and Bullsnakes
Snoring Thunder 2016
The Water Monitors of Bangkok
A New Old Tortoise
Who Made the Queen Snake Queen?
EOY Highlight Reels
San Francisco Garter Snake
Surinam Toad
The Last Snake of the Year
Cape Aquatic Garter Snake
Peru 2011 Album
Sonora, Mexico
Boundary Waters Album
Four Corners Herping
Like, Toadally
Kansas Highlights
Rock of Ages
Got Buttermilk?
Snow Dawgs
Mad Frogs
The Case of the Corpulent Caudate
Kansas Herping
Chubby Little Frog, Skinny Little Window
A Night at the Opera
A Day at the Races
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Speckle Quest
NAFHA Midwest Chapter Fall Trip Highlights
In Search of Hawkeye Horridus
In the Footsteps of Giants
Oregon Herping
Herping Reelfoot
Fifty Seven Kinds of Cottonmouth
Timber Tracking
NAFHA Midwest Chapter Fall Trip Highlights
On the Trail of the Waddling Trapjaw
Panhandular Herping
Tres Amigos en Arizona
Kentucky Herping
The Great Salamander Swing
The Right Place, at the Right Time
News from the Sand Prairies
Lost Maples
Pedernales '05
Austin Herping
Return to Mingo
Creek Walkin'
October in the Bluffs
An Ordinary Day, with Green Snakes
Once More Into the Bluffs
On the Tracks
Turtling on Homer Lake
Flying Fish on the Big Muddy
Along the Illinois River
Queen Snake Country
Sand Bullies and Prairie Mambas
Land Between the Rivers
Massasaugas '05
April in Southern Illinois

Snake Road in Early Spring
Tallahassee Herping
Five Days in Kansas
Shawnee, Fall 2004
Herper's Holiday




"Only with awareness of all life - plant and animal - can the greatest pleasure be gained from field activities...As with a lovely mosaic, each piece by itself may have beauty of line and color and possess a certain independent aesthetic value, but when it finds its place in the pattern as a whole, and is viewed in relation to its fellow pieces, it attains the greatest worth and gives the greatest delight".
-Karl Kauffeld, Snakes: The Keeper and the Kept


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